Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Ridgewood GeesePeace Volunteer Kickoff 2008

Ridgewood GeesePeace kicked off its 2008 efforts last week at The Stable. But before I recap our meeting, take a look at the map above. The blue markers pinpoint the locations of the nests we treated in Ridgewood last year -- 26 by my count. In those 26 nests were a total of 181 eggs. And if those 181 eggs had hatched, even with a 60% attrition rate there would have been 4,860 more geese in and around Ridgewood in just eight years. Clearly, we're making a difference.

You can
view the interactive map here; click on the markers for details on each nest location, such as number of eggs and other relevant information.
Note to Ridgewood volunteers: We can add as much detail as we want to the location notes, including photos and video. So when you're out there this year, take notes and bring along a cameraman! Send me funny anecdotes, photos, video, anything you like--and I'll upload to the map. It's a cool way to create a permanent record of our efforts, and it's easy to share with others.

2008 Kickoff Meeting Recap

One indication of the success of our efforts last year is that all volunteers have signed on again for this year. We're a committed group, and it's a pleasure to be working with you all again.

At Monday's meeting, I returned the tax maps we used to plot nest locations in our assigned areas. If you could not attend, I'll be in touch to get your map back to you. Should be easier to find nests this year, as we know the geese will nest in the approximate same area.

Other items we discussed:

  • Diana and Jim presented GeesePeace program at Somerville HSA meeting, with goal to recruit new volunteers to help as we expand to cover Bergen County Parks
  • David Feld back at The Stable March 27 for 2008 GeesePeace training
  • SuperScience Saturday, March 8--Diana and Jim will be present to showcase GeesePeace and our efforts last year
  • Diana and David Feld to participate in a panel discussion sponsored by the NE NJ Watershed Alliance on on Canada Geese, their potential effects on the environment and the pros & cons of control methods. Tuesday, March 4, 7:00-9:00 pm, Bergen County Community Services Building, 327 East Ridgewood Avenue, Paramus. All welcome to attend!
  • Border collie included in Village 2008 budget request
  • New feature of this blog--in case you haven't noticed, there is a new calendar of events on the right-hand side

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