Monday, March 31, 2008

Over 100 New GeesePeace Volunteers Trained in Ridgewood

GeesePeace founder David Feld and Diana at Village Hall Comunity Center,
how to addle eggs following the humane GeesePeace protocol.

Turnout was high at two GeesePeace training sessions held in Ridgewood on March 27. Over 100 volunteers from all over Bergen, Passaic, Hudson and Sussex counties in New Jersey, and Rockland County in New York, attended an afternoon session at Village Hall and an evening session at The Stable.

Ridgewood more than doubled its roster of volunteers, which grew from 16 last year to 35 this year. We certainly have enough people to continue the success we experienced in the Village last year, and expand out to cover our Bergen County parks and golf courses. Diana and Jim are working on assignments week of March 31. Time is of the essence, as we have already discovered and treated one active nest in town.

A big "Thank You" to Captain John LiPuma of the Ridgewood Police Department, who arranged for an officer to assist with parking, particularly at The Stable where the small lot overflowed its capacity quickly.

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